Camp Grounds

Our camp Pronounced “Tee wah hay Wee Cho tee” or family camp is located in the Milks Community of the Rosebud Reservation, 5.5 miles south east of St. Charles, SD in Gregory County.
Our camp utilizes 7 -18 ft canvas Tipi’s (tee pees) that our staff and volunteers assist and teach campers to erect for their stay. We have extra-large and regular size brand name cots, air mattresses and sleeping mats available for campers as well as army sleeping bags, in case they did not bring their own. Each lodge houses up to 8 people (depending on whether they use cots/mattresses etc) and are designated for male or female campers. There are 8 person tents available for families that prefer more private camping “family style”.
We have a fully equipped camp kitchen with 2 electric ranges, two refrigerators , freezer space available and all cooking equipment ( pots, pans etc) We ask that you bring your own paper products ( paper plates, plastic ware, cups ) to minimize the kitchen chores. Campers may bring your own food. If your group requires specialty food we suggest that you get those prior to arriving on the reservation. Local stores have “the basics” health foods and special dietary foods are not consistently stocked in local stores. For a fee we can provide 3 meals plus 2 snacks a day (call for prices). We have an outdoor awning and picnic tables with meals are served “buffet” style from our camp kitchen.
Age of participants
We have hosted participants from 5 years old to 82 years old and have a variety of activities available. Minors must have adult supervision at all times and we ask that all participants engage inactivities that they are physically capable of doing without injury. For volunteer, work groups we recognize that the older the youth participants, the more options there are for projects. We ask that there be a 2:1 ratio of adult for children under 12 years old.
General Information
The camp is an alcohol and tobacco free environment. Tobacco is only allowed for ceremonial use. All projects will have camp staff and local tribal youth society members to assist and participate with the group. We also have a variety of Lakota cultural, educational and craft activities as well as local tours in the area for evening and “rest day” scheduling and can work with your groups’ particular interests.